Parish Councillors
The Parish Council now has a full complement of Members, with 8 elected on 4th May 2023, and three co-opted.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk, who will put it before the Council or distribute as required.
Parish Clerk: Jayne Saunders
Telephone: 07946 601364
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: To reach our Facebook page, click on the icon at the bottom of the page
Parish Councillors (listed alphabetically
A-J | K-Z | Column 4 | |
Blanchard, Brian |
Keeton, James (Vice Chair) |
Hadley, Stephen |
Marshall, Paul |
Hibberd, Paul (Chair) |
Sloan, Steve |
Moody, Mark |
Walker, Karen |
Allen, Matthew |
Tyrer, Steph |
Smith, Arron |
Register of Interests
All Parish Councillors are required by law to complete a Register of Interests form to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests of their spouses or civil partners or persons with whom they live in that capacity.